
Listen to this beautiful song while reading


Charley's labyrinth is about a young 17-year-old lad whose name is, you've guessed it, Charley Tan (not sure if that's actually his name though). He's stuck... somewhere... in some... place... where? He does not know and neither do I, haha. The "people" in this "place" seem to have already known of his existence and taken quite a great liking to him (if you can call it that), treating him as if they've known him for decades. Confused, he reacquaints with these strange fellows, and together, they have a good ol' time :-)

Image description

Fig. 1 shows a young man with Schizoaffective disorder

Updated info! 10/18/2024

I have started and am currently working on the narrative ^__^! I'm quite happy with myself, I haven't done anything like this since... FNAF fanfiction writing when I was 10... ANYHOW! I'm putting in (a bit) of effort in sorting everything out, though I couldn't say I'm good at it but... I'm having fun!

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Well, that's about it. I do wish to exert more effort into this website when I have the time, but until next time. Hehehe.

Author's note:

If you see any typos, misspellings, or syntax errors... uhh... no you didn't.

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